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Medical Attendance at SKIMS Soura

 Dear Comrades Today AIPEU Team visited SKIMS Soura Srinagar to enquire about the health position of Mr Wasim Bari Zargar GDS Watarhail Budg...

 Dear Comrades

Today AIPEU Team visited SKIMS Soura Srinagar to enquire about the health position of Mr Wasim Bari Zargar GDS Watarhail Budgam who is suffering from Blood Cancer and is under treatment at present. 

We prayed for his speedy recovery and assured every possible assistance from Postal fraternity through AIPEU Team. 

The AIPEU Representatives who attended SKIMS Soura are enumerated here under on behalf of AIPEU and Postal Fraternity. 

Mr Ghulam Jeelani Malik Circle Secty AIPEU GROUP C JANDK Circle 

Mr Abdul Majeed Circle Secty AIPEU GDS Jandk Circle

Mr Irfan Rashid Khan Divisional Secty SGR DIV  and Asstt. Circle Secty Jandk Circle AIPEU Group C

Mr Mohd Ashraf Divisional Secty AIPEUGDS SGR DIV. 

Mr Bakir Ahmad Member of AIPEUGDS SGR DIV.

Based upon our appeal to all postal fraternity most of the officials have started contributing to above mentioned GDS and we hope that every postal official through out country will provide financial support to Mr Wasim Bari Zargar who is in dire need of financial support at present.We also requested our secretary General to arrange financial help from all officials of India post. 

Once again request to all to pray for this GDS official and extend full support. 

With regards 


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