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Anniversary of NPFE

 24th November 2022 is the 68th Anniversary of the formation of National Federation of  P  and T Employees (NFPTE), the mighty organisation ...

 24th November 2022 is the 68th Anniversary of the formation of National Federation of  P  and T Employees (NFPTE), the mighty organisation of the Posts and Telegraphs (including Telephones) Employees. it was formed at New Delhi on 24th November 1954, by merging all the existing P and T Unions, under a reorganisation plan. 

NFPTE was in the forefront of the major historic Strikes of the Central government employees in 1960, 1968 , 1974 etc. Comrades Dada Bhosh (B.N.Ghosh,), O.P.Gupta, K.G.Bose, N.J.Iyer, K.Adinarayana, D.Gnaniah, were some of the prominent leaders, who gave inspiring leadership to the movement. Of course, there were serious inner struggles on ideology and also on how to organise struggles etc., that continued for many years. Many disputes also arose. Unity was restored by the end of seventies.

The government did not want the  P and T Department to continue. Posts and Telegraphs were made in to separated departments. Naturally, NFPTE was also bifurcated in to NFPE and NFTE in  the Calcutta Federal Council held on 17-21 March 1986. NFPTE as such existed only for 32 years, but its impact is still in the trade union movements. 

After formation of BSNL, BSNL Employees Union continues as the progressive union following the great tradition of NFPTE. In the Postal side NFPE continues as the torch bearer. 

On the 68th Anniversary of NFPTE, we salute all the comrades who led the movement, worked sincerely, sacrificed every thing for the upliftment of the workers and also who sacrificed their lives in the many heroic struggles !

As a comrade who entered the department in 1958 and participated and was victimised in all the heroic struggles, I express my thanks to the organisation and leaders for allowing me to be part of this great organisation. !

NFPTE Zindabad ! 


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